Rich On A Unicycle

I received my first unicycle as a gift from my wife on Christmas, 2005. For anyone interested, I'm chronicling the process of learning to ride it here. Enjoy!

Location: Tucson, AZ, United States

Monday, January 23, 2006

More control

No major distance achievements today, but I noticed quite a bit more control. I still have plenty of very short rides before I fall off, but I'm having more and more longer rides where I'm able to correct out of potential UPDs. I finished up the day with another ride of 100+ feet.

Today the kids started running around the park after I'd been there for about an hour. Instead of leaving, I decided to try to squeeze in a few rides in between runners, and spoke with several of the kids as they were running (and walking) by. I didn't get any negative comments, which was nice. Most of them asked if I could ride yet, one of them observed that he'd seen me there "almost every day," and one of the boys told me that his uncle was in a circus and could ride a unicycle. His advice for learning how to ride: "learn how to turn." Thanks, kid, I'll be sure to work on that.


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