Rich On A Unicycle

I received my first unicycle as a gift from my wife on Christmas, 2005. For anyone interested, I'm chronicling the process of learning to ride it here. Enjoy!

Location: Tucson, AZ, United States

Saturday, January 21, 2006

New milestone

Yesterday marked a new milestone in riding my unicycle: I hit 100' for the first time!

It's only taking me 10 or 15 minutes now to "warm up" and get back to where I'd left off the last time I practiced. After warming up I hit a few 50-footers, and soon after that I kept riding until I'd passed 100' (the exact distance was probably around 120', but after 100' I'm not too concerned about exact distances). I had a few more good rides in the hour and a half I was out, and I finished up with a ride that was around 90'.

The best part about the longer rides is that I know that my body is internalizing all of the things I need to know to be able to ride, even if I'm not aware of it. When I can get going and keep going, it's starting to feel a little more natural, which I view as a very good sign. And during the longer runs, I have more of a chance to correct out of potential UPDs, and it feels great to actually correct and keep going.

Hopefully this coming week will bring sunny skies and plenty of opportunities to practice. If it does, I'm hoping to start practicing freemounting (getting on the unicycle and riding without any type of support) by the end of the week.


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